Treat Grubs and More Grubs

June 12, 2020 | By: Dax Gruber

When summer approaches, it’s time for you to be thinking of “insurance plans” for your properties against the infamous White Grub. Were you one of the many last year that had damage? Maybe you were one of the unfortunate ones that had Grub damage even after doing a treatment. How do we approach the issue of grubs?

The White Grub is from Scarab beetles, (Masked Chafer, Japanese beetles). The C-Shape white grub is commonly seen in most lawns and landscape beds. The Spring grubs do not need attention, as your grass will outgrow any damage. It is when those grubs emerge as beetles in the summer and lay their eggs that you will need to create a plan for. Threshold for lawns is typically 8-10 grubs per sq ft or more will need treatment to prevent damage. 

Treatments for Grubs

There are two types of treatments: Preventative and Curative. Preventative is the easiest way to ensure yourself you will not be a victim this year. Timing and water are absolute key aspects of preventative treatments. Imidacloprid (Merit), is one of the most common insecticides that are used for this. This treatment needs to happen in the July time frame with adequate water. Chlorantranilprole (Acelepryn) is another common preventative that can be applied earlier in the season around May-June with a longer residual in the soils. Curatives are going to be done as a rescue treatment to stop further damage from happening. If you find yourself seeing grub damage in late summer or fall you will turn to something like Dylox for quick Kill to get you under the threshold.

It is always better to be safe than sorry. A preventative grub treatment applied in the right manner can prevent you from a much bigger headache later in the season. If you have questions about the best solution for your situation or need help identifying grub damage, contact one of the professionals at Green Velvet Sod Farms.